To: President Obama and Members of the United States Congress
Washington, DC

Subject: Obama's New Bill To Sink Small Businesses!

Dear [President Obama] or [Sen.] [LAST NAME]:

I am writing to respectfully demand that Congress stop Obama from killing the Bush tax cuts.

I am urging the Congress to stop Obama from trying to spend and tax his way out of the Recession. If Obama does not reinstate the Bush tax cuts our economy will crumble and any hopes of a recovery will be destroyed. Levying huge taxes on people who make $200,000 will force them to stop spending. It is as simple as that. And when people stop spending businesses will shut down. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. The unfortunate victims will be small businesses. They do not have the resources or money that larger corporations do to survive if people aren't spending.

Because small businesses report income via a personal income tax they will be hit with an enormous tax hike. Small businesses are already struggling from the Recession. If they are forced to pay more money to Uncle Sam they will start laying people off just to survive. Half of the population in our country is employed by small businesses. Our unemployment rate is at a staggering 9.6%. Our country cannot afford to have an even higher unemployment rate!

I urge you to stop Obama from destroying the Bush tax cuts. We cannot allow the government to continue on their drunken taxing spree. More importantly, we can't have our jobless numbers skyrocket. We cannot afford to have the Liberal elite continue to destroy our economy!
