[Sen.] or [Rep.] [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME]
Washington, DC

RE: STOP the Obama "Green Energy Tax" plan!

Dear [Sen.] or [Rep.] [LAST NAME]:

I'm writing to ask you to please STOP the Obama "Green Energy Tax" plan. Harry Reid's NEW plan calling for a massive comprehensive energy bill and that taxes every single person in America.

Every time anyone flips on a light switch tax dollars are collected. The Obama "Green Energy Tax" plan doubles the price of your electric bill immediately with the tax money going straight to Obama and the Federal Government.

I the undersigned, as a citizen of the United States, do hereby demand that you vote No to STOP the "Regressive Cap-and-Trade" American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009,

The basis of the Obama "Green Energy Tax" is the "Great Carbon Lie" that carbon emissions cause global warming. This has been proven to be completely wrong and based on bad science. Proof of this comes from Gore's own eco-friends at the United Nations with two simple pieces of data.

1. Average Global Temperatures Have Decreased in the Last 10 Years.
2. Carbon Emissions Have Increased 10 fold in the Last 10 Years.

STOP the Obama administration's plan to take money from ordinary energy consumers to fund big government special interest spending programs in Washington and bailouts on Wall Street.

Americans will be highly skeptical of any diversionary talk of "legislative strategy" to have the U.S. government force Americans away from buying electricity produced with carbon emissions by artificially raising the price of electricity. Such legislation is a bad idea.

This issue is BLACK OR WHITE - there are NO "shades of gray." We need you to protect main street Americans and not tax energy use to double energy cost. STOP the Obama "Green Energy Tax" plan!

I will be watching your vote on this issue very closely. Thank you.
