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Washington, D.C.

Re: Restore our Fourth Amendment...Restore Privacy to America!

At every turn, Americans are losing the right to privacy and their private property rights.

The U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Kentucky v. King essentially revokes our Fourth Amendment rights by allowing law enforcement to enter our private property without a warrant, in expanded circumstances; and it gives TSA agents the authority to demand that innocent Americans remove their clothing in front of the public.

And with the signing of the "FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012," Obama has further eroded our right to privacy by allowing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or "drones," to fly across the United States and spy on American citizens going about their daily business.

This is troubling, and I demand you and your colleagues protect the freedoms and rights of all Americans.

When a 6-year-old child is forced to remove their T-shirt in public during a TSA screening, or when a 95-year-old leukemia patient is asked to remove her Depends undergarment, then you cannot ignore the fact that the government has gone too far in dismantling our Fourth Amendment protections.

Moreover, when police kill an innocent Iraq War veteran because they have invaded his home without obtaining a warrant, you cannot deny that dismantling the Fourth Amendment is bad for our country.

Governing authorities should never have the right to wield power over citizens simply because they can, without a balance of power. The disturbing actions of some of our law enforcement and TSA agents is proving to us why it's imperative that you to act today!

Do the job we elected you to do. Protect the American people, and restore our Fourth Amendment.
