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The Capitol

Re: STOP Executive Branch Lawbreaking!


I am writing to ask you to please STAND UP against the growing tyranny coming from Washington, DC, and take a stand OPPOSING the ever-increasing activities of our federal government that are in violation of American law.

At least NINE State Attorneys General have taken action in the face of the unprecedented lawbreaking, issuing a document entitled, "A Report on Obama Administration Violations of Law." As chief legal officers of the states and commonwealths, Attorneys General are the last line of defense against an increasingly overreaching federal government. Attorneys General have a duty to uphold the laws of their respective states and uphold the U.S. and state constitutions.

One of the ways in which attorneys general protect the integrity of state laws and constitutions is by carefully reviewing the actions of the federal government and responding when they break the law or overstep the bounds of the Constitution. The report issued by these Attorneys General does just that: it outlines actions taken by the current Administration that are violations of law.

The obvious example is a federal health care overhaul, passed against the will of the majority of Americans and more importantly in violation of the Constitution, which is now being challenged by more than half of the states. While the PPACA has received the most attention, the group of AG's actually identified more than 21 illegal actions from this Administration and highlighted the effects of the federal overreach on our citizens and states.

If you have signed on to this document, you have my gratitude and the thanks of millions of Americans across the country. If you have NOT signed it -- you NEED to, . I ask you to please STAND UP against the growing tyranny coming from Washington, DC, and join these brave Attorneys General in taking a stand OPPOSING the ever-increasing activities of our federal government that are in violation of American law. Thank you.
