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Washington, D.C.

Re: Investigate FCC Chairman's waiver to LightSquared

President Obama's appointees are not above reproach and should be held to account when members of Congress request vital information from them.

FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski cannot be allowed to continue to ignore Sen. Grassley's (the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee), requests for answers regarding the conditional waiver the FCC has given to Philip Falcone, a billionaire hedge-fund investor who is being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission for possible market manipulation and violations of the "short sale rule."

Falcone's company, LightSquared, was given a rare conditional waiver by the FCC to deploy land-based LTE service in a spectrum formerly reserved for satellite communications.

Defense officials have substantial concerns about Falcone's service that would mess with GPS systems, and cut off satellite navigation. The deputy secretaries at the Departments of Defense and Transportation sent a joint letter to the FCC complaining that they were excluded from the approval process, despite the importance of GPS to national security and transportation safety.

It's time for FCC Chairman Genachowski to be held to account. Members of Congress must investigate why Falcone's company, LightSquared, was given a rare waiver from the FCC while Falcone is under investigation by federal regulators.

Following his request for information, Genachowski's staff told Sen. Grassley that is request for answers was being ignored and would not be answered.

What happened to transparency in the Obama administration?

You must investigate Genachowski's actions and the waiver that the FCC granted to LightSquared.
