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Washington, D.C.

Re: The FOCUS Act

Please investigate the raids on the Gibson Guitar Company and support Senator Rand Paul's FOCUS Act, which will amend the Lacey Act of 1900 and save American businesses.

Gibson Guitars has twice been raided by the government for shipping in ebony and rosewood from Madagascar.

The first time, more than $500,000 in product was seized, including six guitars. More recently, another raid on Gibson Guitar's headquarters and four facilities in Tennessee, cost the company more than $1 million in lost production costs, and seizure of property. (No other guitar manufacturer is being attacked and raided.)

During a time when 14 million Americans are unemployed and 11 million are underemployed, why is the Obama administration spending millions of dollars in an effort to force the Gibson Guitar Company to move its manufacturing facilities overseas?

The Obama Justice Department is claiming that the raids were warranted, because the company imported unfinished rosewood and ebony from India - what the Justice Department claims is a violation of India law and the Lacey Act that was amended in 2008. But India is not supporting the Justice Department's claims.

What is also interesting is the fact that according to a court filing made by the Obama Justice Department, the Gibson Guitar Company is being told by the Administration to move their manufacturing overseas ... to Madagascar. And no other guitar manufacturer is being targeted by the Obama administration.

Senator Paul has introduced the FOCUS Act because he says "It is long overdue that the Lacey Act be revised to address its broad overcriminalization. We have seen the damage this extremely broad and vague law has done to American companies and it is time to change its language to better serve Americans and the American jobs it threatens."

As a voter, I'm calling on you to investigate the actions of the Obama appointees who are responsible for this abuse of power. These government employees' salaries are paid for by American taxpayers, and they must be held to account for their actions and extreme injustice, and they must be fired!

I also ask you to support Senator Rand Paul's FOCUS Act and investigate the questionable raids on Gibson.

Thank you for your time and attention to this serious issue.
