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Washington, DC

Dear [Sen./Rep.] [LAST NAME]:

President Obama has clearly shown that he cannot choose good investments. Evergreen Solar, SpectraWatt and now Solyndra have all gone bankrupt despite Department of Energy loans.

Now I hear they're giving another $1.2 billion to another solar panel company? We won't get our money back from the first three failed companies, how can we be sure our money is going to the right place this time?

I'm out of second chances. No more loans should be going out until Americans find out the truth about Solyndra and the entire "green" energy industry. It is not a viable investment, and our tax dollars are being wasted.

I'm asking you to pull the plug on all new Department of Energy loans going out and vote down any jobs plan that provides handouts to "green" industries. I'm tired of my tax dollars being flushed down the drain.
