The Capitol


I do not appreciate the over-zealous environmentalists who are trying to change the way I have lived successfully for many years. The 100W light bulbs in my living room don't cause global warming.

The "sky-is-falling" federal bureaucracy does not have any business in dictating and demanding what light bulb I use in the privacy of my own home - particularly when the replacement to the incandescent light bulb has proven to be hazardous to the health of our families while the traditional incandescent light bulb has proven to be both safe and reliable for about 120 years.

I urge you -- no, I actually insist - that you vote to REPEAL the Renewable Fuels, Consumer Protection and Energy Efficient Act of 2007 as a bad law that borders on rank "sky-is-falling" stupidity.

Please support S.395 and H.R. 6411.

Help put an end to too much governmental interference in my life.

Thank you for your time and your vote.