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Washington, D.C.

Re: Investigate DOJ's refusal to prosecute AUSA for child porn!

An Assistant United States Attorney General (AUSA) was found to have child pornography on his government-issued computer and admitted to viewing pornography for the majority of every work day. Yet, the Department of Justice is refusing to pursue this case and prosecute the former AUSA, and even kept the AUSA on as a federal prosecutor months after the child porn was found on his computer.

I'm asking that you join Sens. Grassley and Coburn and demand an investigation into the Administration's child porn scandal. The public deserves to know why the Obama administration concealed this federal crime from the public and why the DOJ is refusing to prosecute this crime.

Americans want to be assured that their children will be protected from child predators -- be it on Main Street or on the Internet. And when a federal employee is caught spending taxpayers' dollars to view child porn, we expect justice, and we demand an investigation.

No one is above reproach, including members of the Obama administration, which is why I'm asking that you call for an investigation into this miscarriage of justice.

I want to know who knew what and when they knew it, and who was involved in covering this up and concealing this crime from American taxpayers.

Thank you for your time and attention to this urgent matter.
