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Re: Please OPPOSE AND FILIBUSTER Steve Six's promotion to 10th Circuit Court

Dear [Senator LASTNAME]:

I'm writing to petition you please OPPOSE AND FILIBUSTER the extremist Judge Steve Six who seeks promotion to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, ruling over Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Kansas, Wyoming, and Oklahoma. Steve Six poses a danger to American society, and should be stopped immediately.

Steve Six is pro-abortion, anti-marriage, and has already declared his bias for Obamacare, which is unconstitutional and violates states and citizens rights.

Steve Six...
  1. ...Refused to Defend Traditional Marriage.
  2. ...Is Soft on Criminals – if the Criminals are Abortionists.
  3. ...Endangered the Integrity of Evidence in a Major Criminal Investigation.
  4. ...Misrepresented His Actions As Attorney General.
  5. ...Was aggressive and proactive in interfering in the Planned Parenthood investigation.
  6. ...Actively Used His Office As Attorney General to Interfere With the Legitimate Investigation and Prosecution of Planned Parenthood.
  7. ...Forced a Catholic-run hospital to remain open despite their wishes.
We stand with The Pray In Jesus Name Project who will score your vote and fax it to nearly every pastor in your state before the next election.

Please do the right thing and OPPOSE AND FILIBUSTER Judge Steve Six.
