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Re: OPPOSE AND FILIBUSTER Judge Victoria Nourse's promotion to 7th Circuit

Dear [Senator LASTNAME]:

I hereby respectfully petition you please OPPOSE AND FILIBUSTER the extremist Judge Victoria Nourse who seeks promotion to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, ruling over Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. Victoria Nourse poses a danger to American society, and should be stopped immediately.

Victoria Nourse is pro-abortion, anti-traditional marriage, and has already declared her bias against the plain meaning of the text of the U.S. Constitution.

Victoria Nourse...
  1. ...Opposes "textualism" and "strict constructionist" views of the Constitution.
  2. ...Believes in an evolving and "self-transcending" Constitution that changes over time.
  3. ...Believes Judges can Amend the Constitution's meaning without Congress.
  4. ...Opposes our 2nd Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
  5. ...Wrote the Unconstitutional (and misnamed) Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) which was struck down by the Supreme Court for violating Article I and the 14th Amendment.
  6. ...Compared Senators who vote against VAWA to lynch-mob murderers. Nourse stated: just as it is "difficult to believe any Senator could support lynching, it is difficult to believe they could oppose the Violence Against Women Act."
  7. ...Discounts the existence and influence of Natural Law and Fundamental Rights.
  8. ...Describes herself as a Zealot and Feminist.

We stand with The Pray In Jesus Name Project who will score your vote on this issue and fax it to nearly every pastor in your state before the next election.

Please do the right thing and OPPOSE AND FILIBUSTER Judge Victoria Nourse.
