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  Tell Every Single Secretary AND Attorney General of State Across America to force the REMOVAL of Barack Hussein Obama from their Presidential Ballots -- Because He is Constitutionally INELIGIBLE to Serve!

YES, I want to help DEMAND that Barack Obama be removed from all fifty State presidential ballots, because he is NOT a "natural born citizen" -- and that he be charged with Contempt of Court if he fails to follow the law!

We FINALLY have a chance to PREVENT Barack Obama from serving a DISASTROUS second term -- and we can make it happen BEFORE the 2012 presidential election even takes place! We need to mobilize folks to take action RIGHT AWAY to make sure it DOES happen... So we've set up an easy way for you to make your voice heard LOUD AND CLEAR -- you can send "Blast Faxes" to every single Secretary of State AND Attorney General in all fifty States AT ONCE, demanding that they REMOVE Barack Hussein Obama's name from their presidential ballots... and charge him with Contempt of Court if he doesn't follow the law!

Click Here to Preview the Fax

For about what it would cost you in time and telephone charges, you can send Blast Faxes to: