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Tell the Political Establishment: YOU Are The Tea Party Leaders!

YES, I want to tell political hacks like Bill Clinton and James Carville that we REFUSE to settle for the old way of doing politics anymore!

We need to mobilize folks to take action RIGHT AWAY... So we've set up an easy way for you to make your voice heard LOUD AND CLEAR - we're taking out NATIONAL FULL-PAGE newspaper ads, with an OPEN LETTER to Clinton, Carville, and anyone else who thinks they can destroy this grassroots movement with their old political tricks. And we want to see YOUR name on the bottom of that full-page letter!

Full-page ads in national newspapers aren't cheap. It's over $90,000 for a paper like USA Today. But we believe IT'S WORTH IT, to send a strong message to both Democrats AND Republicans -- that we will NOT be "taken down" OR "taken over"!

For ONLY $50, you can have YOUR name added as a signer of this Open Letter!

For only $40 more, you can help us send this powerful Tea Party Video all over the country, and the world!

You can also fax a personalized signed copy of this Open Letter to every member of Congress! Choose here: