The Capitol


I am an American. I support the Arizona anti-illegal immigration law. I am not racist, and based on my understanding, neither is the law. It merely helps the people of Arizona deal with a very critical problem of illegal immigrants who are costing billions of dollars to that state as well as creating major crime problems. Phoenix has become the kidnapping capital of America. The federal government is refusing to do its job. Arizona is doing what it feels compelled to do, and should not be condemned for it.

It is a disgrace that our own elected officials would side with a foreign leader against our own citizens. I was deeply offended that some of our own elected representatives would give Felipe Calderon a standing ovation for bashing our country. Our Congressional and governmental leaders who stood committed an act of disloyalty in my view. We should handle our disagreements among ourselves as Americans, not allow foreign leaders to come and insult our fellow citizens.

I demand that our elected representatives stop accusing Americans of racism every time we try disagreeing with their policies.

I demand a resolution on the floor of the Congress apologizing to the American people for siding with a foreign leader against our own citizens.

I demand a Congressional Investigation into the money being made by banks on the deposits of illegal immigrants and the complicity of our own Treasury Department in this illegality.

I demand a Congressional investigation into whether ICE is in fact enforcing our immigration laws, and whether it will refuse to do when Arizona turns over illegal immigrants.

Our government is supposed to be "of the people, by the people and for the people." It seems that our President and the Congress have forgotten this. Seventy percent (70%) of the American people support the Arizona anti-illegal immigration law. Yet the Democrats in Congress stood to give Mexican President Calderon a standing ovation for bashing our people and laws. How about standing with the American people for a change?

I trust you will take my demands seriously and act immediately. This is a very urgent matter. The lives of Americans are at stake. We don’t need name calling and race baiting. We need enforcement of our laws.

A Concerned American Citizen,