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The United States Justice Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public interest, legal action organization that instructs, informs and educates the public on, and litigates, significant legal issues confronting America.

USJF was founded in 1979 by attorneys seeking to advance the conservative viewpoint in the judicial arena.

Since 1980, USJF has submitted testimony to the U.S. Senate on Supreme Court appointees and sponsored conferences on a variety of important legal issues.

USJF publishes studies and reports on topical issues and distributes them free of charge to opinion leaders, students and the general public.

USJF has contributed directly and indirectly to legal defense efforts in many celebrated cases involving fundamental conservative principles.

USJF recent activities include representing Peter Paul in his case against Hillary Clinton's fraud in campaign finance disclosure in her 2000 Senate race and joining the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps as their legal defense corps.