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Send Obama a "Dear John" Letter For His Birthday!

YES! I want to tell Barack Obama how Americans REALLY feel!

Click Here to Preview your FedEx

The far left is organizing to send thousands of "Happy Birthday" greetings to Barack Obama, thanking him for the "great job" he's doing. We thought it would be more realistic to send him "birthday greetings" that express the TRUE feelings of the majority of Americans... So we've set up an easy way for you to make your voice heard LOUD AND CLEAR -- you can send a PERSONALIZED Federal Express Letter directly to President Obama, with a special "Dear John" message from the American people that says: "This relationship is OVER!"

For less than what it would cost you to send a FedEx letter yourself, you can send a PERSONALIZED Federal Express Letter directly to Barack Hussein Obama for only $10! And if you're able to, please also donate as much as you can to advance YOUR conservative ideals this election year! Thank you!